of the new century

It is said that a product is biodegradable when it has the ability to be broken down naturally in a short period of time.
Consequently, it will not harm the environment and can even be transformed into compost.
Consuming biodegradable products has a wide range of benefits.

Let’s find them out!

Machine Age,

Biodegradability is the ability of organic materials to break down into simpler substances through the action of the enzyme activity of microorganisms.
  • They are beneficial for our health due to the natural low-allergenic materials used in their elaboration process.
  • They do not harm the environment, since there is no landscape impact on woods, seas or beaches.
  • They do not pollute the soil or water because they disappear rapidly and do not leave toxic waste.
  • Landfill sites will therefore not be saturated.
  • They feed the planet.
  • They can be more economical.
NATURE sustainable

How do we do this?
In the base material used for all our products,we incorporate a PE-based enzyme additive.
These enzymes will play their role under favourable habitat conditions (compost conditions:organic material, temperature and humidity).
Then it will be 100% biodegraded, turning into:
CO2 + Biomass + H2O

Compostability is the ability of organic matter to turn into compost through a composting process.

How does it work?

This additive is only activated in touch with organic matter. Soil bacteria will help the inner enzymes to activate and feed back on themselves, so the product will partially or completely disappear, depending on the soil thickness and their exposure level, which turns this product into biodegradable according to the European Parliament and Council Directive EU/94/62/EC.
This biodegradation process has been carried out by using the ASTM D5338-91, the ASTM
D5338-98 equivalent to CEN prEN WI261085 and the ISO 14855 along with the ASTM D5511.



If you need biodegradable plastic parts, please contact us through this small form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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